5 Natural Ways to Cure Insomnia at Home & Fall Asleep

There’s nothing quite like waking up after a “refreshing” night’s insomnia, is there? Of course, I am joking. The frustration and grief at not being able to get a solid 8 hours of sleep and waking up energised and ready for the next day are palpable. This article goes into a few natural ways to cure insomnia; home remedies specifically.

How to Naturally Cure Insomnia and Fall Asleep Faster & Easier?

Sleep is one of the most essential natural functions and so vital for our daily functioning that when we don’t get enough, it hugely affects our life. There are many reasons for insomnia: illness, physical impairments, stress, anxiety, fear of the dark, dietary issues, and irregular work hours. 

Thankfully there are several natural ways to cure insomnia at home so you can fall asleep faster and easier. 

1. Hypnosis for Insomnia

Hypnosis (ways to cure insomnia)

Among the ways to cure insomnia, hypnosis often gets misunderstood thanks to how it has been portrayed in various media as mind control. Think of the old movies of a person being hypnotised and then commanded to do some tomfoolery or even commit a crime! 

However, hypnosis is a gentle, non-invasive treatment for many medical and mental issues and is often used for treating insomnia. It encourages relaxation and alters brain activity to promote falling asleep quickly and easily. Studies have shown that better sleep can be had after treatment with hypnotherapy.

How might hypnotherapy for insomnia work?

In a session, the hypnotherapist will begin by directing your attention to an object or your breathing. Once deeply focused, the hypnotherapist will offer suggestions tailored to your condition, such as “Get deeper, more restorative sleep.” After the suggestions have been made, the hypnotherapist will guide you out of the hypnosis.

You do not fall asleep during the therapy but stay awake and conscious, receptive to the instructions from the therapist. 

A qualified practitioner should be the one to conduct sleep therapy; many clinics are available for this purpose. Self-hypnosis is another option which can be done in the privacy of your home via video, audio, or an app. The Insomnia Relief subliminal messaging audio has been recommended by a few users as being effective.

Not everyone is receptive to hypnosis; there is a percentage of the population who is resistant to it. However, other treatments are available.

Insomnia Relief | Real Subliminal MP3
Insomnia Relief (Subliminal MP3)

Fall asleep naturally

This subliminal audio has helped people with insomnia fall asleep.

2. Pressure Point for Insomnia

Acupressure is another option to treat insomnia. It is a procedure that can be done by yourself or another person. It uses physical touch to stimulate pressure points on various parts of your body to alleviate different physical and mental issues.

There are various points on the body that will assist with insomnia, and here are three of the best ones.

Neiguan – Pressure Point for Insomnia

This pressure point is known as the inner gate or the spirit gate. It is located on the outer wrist, in a small depression between the tendons.

Use three fingers from the other hand to apply gentle pressure in a circular or up-and-down motion for about 2-3 minutes. Repeat on the other side.

Shimien – Pressure Point for Insomnia

Located on the sole of your feet, this is another excellent pressure point for insomnia. Trace a line from your ankle bone to the bottom of your foot, and you will find the point on this line exactly in front of your heel.

It is a soft spot, and there should be no pain when applying pressure to it.

Anmien – Pressure Point for Insomnia

Anmien is known as the sleep pressure point, whose purpose is to induce sleep. It is located at the base of the skull, right behind the ear in a small hollow where your neck and jawline connect. Apply pressure with your index and middle fingers and continue for 15-20 minutes to get the full effect of this pressure point. 

Research has shown that using pressure points can improve insomnia, and the effects can be felt for up to two weeks after the sessions have ended.

3. Guided Meditations for Insomnia

Guided meditations are fantastic for many issues, and insomnia dramatically benefits from them. 

Guided meditations create a relaxed state of mind that is conducive to falling asleep. They help to refocus the mind and promote emotional regulation, which is very helpful when dealing with nighttime anxiety and stress-induced rumination

Meditation and mindfulness are beneficial for those who fear the dark, and this applies equally to adults and children. Guided meditations help the listener to foster positive associations with darkness or to see the dark as something that is not to be feared, but as something quite magical. 

Meditations come in many forms, such as video and audio, making them very accessible and can be played on the phone or tablet at bedtime. They can be found on YouTube, and there are many apps available as well. 

Insomnia Relief | Real Subliminal MP3
Insomnia Relief (Subliminal MP3)

Fall asleep naturally

This subliminal audio has helped people with insomnia fall asleep.

4. Binaural Music for Sleep

Many people use music for relaxation as can binaural music; however, binaural music isn’t music as such. It is the perception of sound created by your brain. Using headphones or earbuds, a separate tone of a different frequency is played in each ear. The brain then compensates for the two different frequencies and creates another tone that you can hear. This is called the binaural beat. 

Played over a period of time, binaural beats can synchronise with the brain and alter brain wave activity.

Binaural beats can be found online and purchased on CDs. Make sure you are listening to the ones designed specifically for sleep. As the length of the tracks varies, you may have to experiment with different tracks to see which one will help you fall asleep faster.


sleep & relax to soothing sounds

Feel relaxed and comfortable at bedtime with this sound machine & night light.

5. ‘Letting go’ Journal

Journalling is prescribed for many reasons: self-improvement, to inspire creativity, as an outlet for grief, anxiety, stress relief, and any general fears, problems and concerns. It is an excellent outlet as it is easily accessible and doesn’t require a significant financial outlay; a notepad and pen are all you need. 

Journaling can be done at any time of the day, but for those who have insomnia, journaling before bedtime can assist in falling asleep easier. It becomes a form of therapy whereby you have a heart-to-heart with yourself. You find solutions to problems, change your perspective on things and, most importantly, identify and consciously let go of the things you can’t change.

Identifying the problems causing you the most stress and anxiety, even about sleep itself, and getting the issues down on paper, frees your mind of the burden. It doesn’t fix all your problems but can help you to see the bigger picture and may help to change your perspective on what you can and can’t control. 

Many journaling prompts are available online, or you can buy specialist journals for this purpose. Allocate a specific amount of time per day before going to bed, say 15 minutes, to ‘brain dump’ all that is bothering you and make this part of your sleep routine. 

The bottom line: use a combination of Ways To Cure Insomnia

When you are in the grip of sleeplessness, it can feel never-ending, so it is very helpful to know that there are many home treatments for insomnia. Each type of treatment will have its benefits which may or may not assist you. Trying out different techniques, or even a combination of them, and making them part of your sleep routine can help you fall asleep faster and more easily. 

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